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Breakfast Series – Imagine Your Legacy: Global Speakers Beyond the Stage - Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

  • Online via Zoom Ottawa Canada (map)

CAPS Ottawa Power Breakfast Series
Enjoy CAPS for breakfast; boost your business by lunch

Join us for this monthly breakfast series to:

     NETWORK:  Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs
     LEARN:  Acquire practical strategies that will drive your business
     GROW:  Expand your mindset with innovative ideas and insights

 Mark Your Calendar for Tuesday, August 11th

Imagine Your Legacy: Global Speakers Beyond the Stage - Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

with Betty-Anne Howard, Codi Shewan and Jackie Handy

As Victor Frankl wrote in his book - Man's search for Meaning, what matters most to us is finding and living our purpose. Each one of us have been exploring this within the context of our own lives and our businesses, it's an ever evolving process. We want to enhance this conversation to make it even more stimulating by sharing our thoughts & exploring the true meaning of legacy.

Thus we hope to:
1. Expand your understanding of legacy using three different lenses (Codi, Jackie and Betty-Anne's) , focusing on Imagining Your Legacy: Global Speakers Beyond the Stage - Today, Tomorrow and Beyond
2. Learn about the many different forms that legacy can take for us personally and as speakers
3. Provide an opportunity for you to reflect on how you may want to Imagine Your Legacy
4. Have some fun?! Too early?

About Betty-Anne Howard:

Betty-Anne Howard is far from your typical financial planner!

For starters, she believes there is too much focus on the money, while ignoring what she calls the "Meaning Behind the Money"

Before becoming a Certified Financial Planner, Betty-Anne spent nearly two decades in Social Work, teaching, and counseling. One of the most important parts of that work is asking questions, and learning as much as possible about a person's unique needs, strengths, challenges, and dreams for the future. Betty-Anne brings that same holistic and respectful approach to the financial services sector.

For her, (and this may surprise you) financial planning isn't about making money!
For Betty-Anne, financial planning, financial literacy, and philanthropy are all about making lives.

Her unique approach has allowed her to build a financial services business worth over $30 Million, become an award winning High Impact speaker, and help dozens of charities and not-for-profits maximize their impact around the world. She is also a published author, currently working on a follow up to her first book, Making Your Dreams a Reality: Taking the Mystery out of Financial Planning, Not the Magic – One Quote at a Time.

Her award-winning talk, entitled The Magic of Sex draws on her incredible breadth of experience, giving audiences an enlightening, inspiring, and hugely entertaining new perspective on money, life, and ultimately how to make your dreams into reality.

About Codi Shewan:


These are words often used by attendees to describe Codi's presentations and style!

He is a recognized speaker who always delivers presentations with his unique spirit and high-energy drive!

After 15 years of fast-paced hyper-growth in the corporate world, Codi has become a recognized authority in business, guaranteed to engage audiences from the moment he steps on stage, always ensuring they are equipped with takeaways they can immediately put into practice. He accepts full blame for inspiring teams, accelerating performance, and achieving world-class results. Using real-life examples and results-driven insights, Codi gives leaders and their teams the tools to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in their profession.

His mission is to inspire you to future-proof your organization and establish a clear path to success

He's a motivational powerhouse; his lively talks champion excellence, inspire unconventional thinking, and energize crowds!

About Jackie Handy:

  • Looking for someone who has both personal and professional experience in the subject of Diversity & Inclusion and Leadership?

  • Want someone who positively challenges perceptions, processes, the 'way we've always done it' mentality to directly impact your success?

  • Need someone who is committed to inspiring action?

Specializing in Diversity & Inclusion and leadership, Jackie has seen both sides of the 'inclusion coin'. She knows first-hand how exclusion feels, the hurt and anxiety that bullying leads to and what to do to ensure others don't experience what she did. She engages and encourages organizational leaders to think differently and importantly, to act differently resulting in personal fulfillment as well as a workforce who are truly engaged.

With an extensive recruitment career behind her Jackie now works globally, supporting organizations in bringing their D&I strategy to life and breaking down the stereotypical barriers to inclusion in attraction, recruitment, retention and engagement matters.

She equips others with the answers to questions she wished she knew when she was a leader of people and inspires culture change to empower and grow businesses and the people within them.

You can expect highly engaging, humorous and immersive sessions with Jackie as she takes you on a journey far beyond Unconscious Bias through to Conscious Inclusion, with clear, simple and practical steps to take to really make a difference.

Looking forward to seeing you there! 

Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Time: 7:30 – 9:00am

Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: $10 for Members  /  $15 for Non-Members
Note: This event is BYOB (Bring Your Own Breakfast)

 Registration Deadline: Monday, August 10

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