CAPS Foundation: Mission-Vision-Values



To facilitate giving by CAPS members for CAPS members.


We envision a community that:

  • Offers mutual support in times of need, whether it be personal tragedy, health, financial or natural disaster.

  • ​Enthusiastically supports the Foundation in fulfilling its mandate.


Compassion: We treat everyone who approaches the Foundation for support with respect, dignity, and discretion.

Community: We are a community supporting each other in times of need.

Credibility: We are accountable to our members for ensuring that Foundation funds are disbursed in the best interests of the membership and the CAPS Association while remaining consistent with, and adhering to, the Foundation’s Policies, Procedures, Bylaws, and Articles of incorporation.

Collaboration: We work closely with the CAPS Association to proactively develop and enhance the Foundation’s resources and programs in order to better serve the CAPS Community.